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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Learning to say "Yes"

Our new YES button.
It says YES in ten different voices.
Life is more joyful, peaceful, and wonderful when we are able to say "Yes" as often as possible. Saying YES increases the love, respect, and trust between my children and me.

My parents said YES to me a lot. Other people surely said I was spoiled, but I felt valued.  I felt respected.  I want my children to feel the same way.

I try to think of my children as guests in my home.  After all, I invited them here.  They won't be staying forever.  If I wouldn't say it to a guest, should I say it to them?  

Denver enjoys a new Dinosaur Minecraft Mod
Spencer downloaded for him.
If a guest ran out of the house without his umbrella, would I shout, "Hey,Goofus!  Come back here and get your umbrella or you're going to get soaked!"  Probably not.  I might say instead, "Would you like to take your umbrella?"  It's clear which response is more respectful.  I'm trying to make that choice.  Yes.
Spencer enjoys working on his
computer programming.

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