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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Macon our own Fun . . . and bad jokes :-)

Spencer and John Robert were particularly interested in this exhibit.
With John home for a few days, we took a daylong adventure to Macon, Georgia this week.  It was a wonderful opportunity to see their new exhibit and planetarium movie on astronomy and black holes.  They have also recently renovated their children's exploration area-- all three floors!  We had a fine time.

It was a special joy to watch the boys all having fun in different ways.  John Robert was mature enough to ask questions of the professional astronomer who presented the Black Hole film.  Spencer loved the hands on experiments and space flight simulators that took him to the edge of a black hole.  And Denver . . . well, he enjoyed everything.  As often happens, John had the opportunity to share some of his scientific knowledge with the boys.  And me?  Much in the way my grandma used to get pleasure from cooking for others, I enjoyed watching the boys enjoy themselves.  

After a morning of black holes, we went to a wonderful restaurant and fed the black hole created by three hungry little boys.  Okay, four if you count my husband. :-)  After lunch, we joyfully explored the Barnes & Noble bookstore-- a rare and wonderful treat for us.

It was nice to spend such pleasant time together as a family.  Our summer is off to a great start.

The boys (all of them) at the entrance
to the Macon Museum of Arts & Sciences

Denver and Dadders
This fascinating room made colorful art out
of our body shapes and movement.  Here,
Spencer is in the center waving his arms and
John Robert is watching on all four corners.
The boys enjoy the newly
renovated kids' exploration area.
Everybody wanted to try the
astronaut ice cream.
Denver enjoys a new game that we bought at
the Macon Museum.

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