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Friday, May 9, 2014

What Makes a Happy Momma

Happy Momma
We're on summer vacation, but you cannot tell.  Since we went to the Scholastic Book Sale three days ago, John Robert and Spencer have barely lifted their heads out of the new books they bought.  Okay.  Not true.  Spencer keeps one book-- a Minecraft How To Manual-- open beside him as he creates new adventures on Minecraft, and John Robert has to have a five course meal every half hour or so!

But seriously . . . What is it about a book sale?  I take the boys to the library weekly; and for the past month, they have come home empty-handed and disinterested.  Yet we go to the book sale and suddenly they cannot get enough books!

So in the past three days, John Robert has finished The Book Thief and two other books.  Spencer has read two books, and is rereading his new Minecraft book in an attempt to memorize much of the information.

And Denver?  Well, he is busy being a Mad Scientist.  Although I'm sure this frenzy will pass, it is a delight to witness.  As you can see, I'm one happy Momma.
Spencer enjoys an Adventure Time
graphic novel.
John Robert is reading a popular novel entitled
Divergent.  He spent the next hour explaining
parts of the book to me, and discussing
his opinion of the political factions.

Denver and Spencer begin a science project.

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