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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Goodness . . . Learning Everywhere.

Everywhere I look there is something to learn, something to enjoy.  To the question, how much time do you spend teaching, experienced homeschoolers often write, "I don't teach much, but the learning never ends."  After a couple years of homeschooling, I now know what they mean.

Spencer and John Robert have chosen to attend summer camps this year-- one a computer design camp; the other, a math camp.  They are looking forward to it. When I invited friends to join them, the answer from their school friends was loud and clear:
This is summer.  Nothing educational, please.  

I am so grateful that the boys no longer separate learning from fun.  It's all of a piece.  I am so grateful that I was brave enough to give the boys more choices.  They show me-- time and again-- that their capacity for learning is far beyond anything I once imagined.

Spencer, Denver, and friend share the work
of building an enormous marble run last weekend.

The beautiful yucca flowers this morning--
their seeds were used by the Navajo Indians
to dye fabrics, and the plant has many
medicinal and ceremonial uses.

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