It was a day promising rain. We went anyway. With a car full of snacks, drinks, rain ponchos, and umbrellas, we set off for the Georgia Renaissance Festival. The boys had never been to a Renaissance Festival, and John and I hadn't been since before we married. The boys had spent the entire year learning about the Middle Ages, and the festival was a wonderful way to cap off the year's studies.
It was wonderful--jugglers, acrobats, a jousting tournament-- there was something to see around every turn and most of it made us laugh with delight. People dressed as medieval villagers, knights, fairies, elves, and all sorts of strange costumes.
The best part for me was watching our teenager, John Robert, play like a child-- learning to juggle, climbing a rope ladder to try to win a prize, riding in a spinning bucket just to get dizzy. All of the boys had a great time.
I had a good time too. It never did rain; and I got to meet one of my heroes-- Leonardo DaVinci talked with me!
Leonardo DaVinci spoke to us
about one of his favorite paintings.
After the show, he talked to us privately
about his weapon designs for
the Duke of Milan.
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